It has been about a week since I have updated everyone on our little pumpkin, Ryleigh. Since then, Ryleigh celebrated her first holiday (Halloween), moved from an isolette to a bassinet, had her 3rd eye exam, moved from the critical unit area to a private room, turned 8 weeks old, got her very FIRST bath...and is now getting a bottle at every other feeding.
Oh, guess what?? Our little pumpkin now weighs 5 lbs.! YAY!!! To be exact, Ryleigh is 5 lbs. 3 oz. as of tonight! GROW, baby girl, GROW!! We are closer to going home! Tomorrow (11/6/19) will be our 60th day in the NICU. Please keep praying for progress. Ryleigh needs to come off of Vapotherm and take up to 8 bottles a day, along with no spells from heart rate and/or oxygen dropping before we can be discharged to bring our sweet miracle HOME!!!
Check out pictures/updates of Ryleigh below: