I ran across this article (on Facebook) God Lives in the NICU by Meghan Tjaden. I encourage you to read it. It shares perfectly just a glimpse of what life is like for parents watching their babies fight for their lives in the NICU. As I shared with a family friend in Wal-Mart today, one thing for sure is that my faith in God and walk in Christ has grown tremendously this year, and even more so these last 6 weeks. If I didn't have my faith in the Lord, I do not believe I would feel at peace when leaving Ryleigh in the NICU. However, I KNOW my God is watching her and protecting her! He has already helped her master so many milestones. Our sweet baby girl is 34 (gestational) weeks today! To think that the doctors wanted her to stay put until at least this week to be born...she has already accomplished so much with her tiny but mighty self! I promise you God is in the miracle making business...Ryleigh is proof.
Life can be hard. Things happen sometimes that we NEVER will understand. I am praying for a specific couple today that I love oh so MUCH! My heart breaks for them! I wish I had the words to make it all better. I remember the years that Landon and I prayed for what we have been blessed with today, our baby girl. People would tell me to keep strong in my faith and that the Lord had a plan and it would happen in his time...it always seemed like it was easier for people to say...like they couldn't really imagine my pain. It hurt, I was mad...why didn't God give me a baby right then when I first asked?!? However, I want others to know, that the seasons we go through often hurt like heck and it may seem like others don't understand and their words seem easier said than done...BUT I PROMISE the wait is so worth it in the end! I am so thankful for our answer to prayer, but also for my growing walk with God. I've asked a lot from him (God) in the past 3 years from losing loved ones to asking to be a Momma...sometimes I didn't always get what I WANTED/prayed for, but I've learned God's plan is for the BEST...even when it HURTS like no tomorrow! Hold on to your faith! I promise a rainbow is coming and the hurt will all make sense one day! To this couple, I am praying for you! I love you and I am here! To anyone out there that is struggling with infertility, miscarriage, losing a loved one, or whatever life throws your way...I am here to listen and pray with you. I may not have to words to say, but I know God hears and answers prayers!
Landon found this prayer on Thursday and sent it to me. I just wanted to share it with you all as the words are beautiful and oh so true! I believe this is Ryleigh's prayer to God, along with so many other preemies in the world.
Dear God, as you look down upon us,
We know that you might have to squint.
We’re located here in the NICU
It’s the nursery that we rent.
There are many alarms and sirens,
Connected to condos and flats.
The nurses tape our booties on,
And dress us in funny hats.
We have a lot in common;
All of us were in a hurry.
For many different reasons,
Our storks came a little early.
Some of us don’t know why,
We bursted out from our bubbles.
We entered into this world,
Never meaning to cause any troubles.
Mommy and Daddy are worried sick
About the odds that we must beat.
Please God, help them to realize,
That seeing us grow is a treat.
Breath by breath, we’ll learn to breathe.
Ounce by ounce we’ll tip the scale.
We’re like a boat in the ocean,
That knows not sink- only sail.
For we are living miracles, Mommy and Daddy must simply believe, That you have angels watching over us; From the time we arrive, till the time we leave.