Each Monday night, the nurses measure the circumference of the babies' heads and their body length. Tonight, Landon and I just knew that Ryleigh's length would be about an inch longer because we can tell she is growing. However, her length was the same tonight as last Monday night, 15.5 inches, which is 1 inch longer than her birth length. Her head did measure a bit bigger tonight and she weighed 2.96 lbs. So even though she hasn't gotten any longer, we know she is growing because we see it and her head measurement and weight proves it!
Many of you have read my social media posts about her spells. A little over a week ago, Ryleigh began having "spells" with her heart rate and sometimes oxygen rate as well. This is VERY common in preemie babies even though it makes us worry! Ryleigh has PDA (Patent ductus arteriosus) which is when abnormal blood flow occurs between two of the major arteries connected to the heart. Basically, it is an open hole in the heart. Every baby is born with a ductus arteriosus. After birth, the opening is no longer needed and it usually narrows and closes within the first few days. Sometimes, the ductus doesn't close after birth. Failure of the ductus to close is common in premature infants but rare in full-term babies. In most children, the cause of PDA isn't known. Some children can have other heart defects along with the PDA. However, due to Ryleigh being a preemie in the NICU and having her vitals checked several times a day, her PDA was discovered and almost expected due to being a preemie. Since Ryleigh is premature, her body doesn't realize the hole is no longer needed and can close as her body would if she had been born at full term. An echo of her heart was done last week and the results came back showing the hole is very small and does not need medication or surgery at this time to fix it. The doctors believe it will close on its own in time. Ryleigh hasn't had as many spells in the last few days so I am believing she is on the right road to the hole getting smaller to close. The PDA causes Ryleigh to have sleep apnea. Therefore, when she is in a deep sleep, she "forgets" to breathe which causes the "spells" where her heart rate and (sometimes) oxygen rate to drop. Many times, she is able to pull the rate(s) back up on her own which is great because that shows us her brain and body know what to do. Occasionally, she will need help (stimulation) from the nurses or Mommy and Daddy. A simple pat on the back or tickle her foot helps her remember to breathe and her rates come right back up.
I know the PDA sounds scary, because it is, but the doctors, nurses, and research show it is so COMMON in PREEMIE babies. I still panic at times when I am holding her and she "spells", but the nurses do a great job remaining calm and reassuring me that she is okay. She has monitors to let the nurses know her heart rate, oxygen rate, and breaths per minute. Anytime there is a change, the monitor sends off an alarm to notify the nurses and they are at her bedside within seconds.
We know the Lord is watching over our baby girl and protecting her. Ryleigh also has some of the most amazing nurses around. We are so thankful to have a wonderful NICU at McLeod that is close to home so this Mommy can visit sweet girl EVERY day! We appreciate all of the loves and support from our family and friends. The visits, calls/texts, food, monetary gifts, and gifts for Ryleigh mean so much to us. Landon and I have truly learned who truly cares about you during this season of our lives. We can't wait to have Ryleigh home with us so that we can share her with all of you. What a sweet testimony Ryleigh will gave to share one day. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for all of the PRAYERS, as we feel them and see daily when we see and hear of the progress our little miracle baby is making. Please keep the prayers coming. We pray she gets bigger, stronger, and healthier each day so we are closer to bringing her home! We love you all!